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What Happened At Wounded Knee

Updated on June 28, 2013

Do you know what happened at Wounded Knee?

The White Man made over 600 treaties with the Native Americans and they broke each and every treaty they ever made. The White Man destroyed the culture of the Native American people and beat Native American children if they were caught speaking their Native American languages.

I want to ask you a very serious question. Do you know what happened at Wounded Knee in 1890. Do you know the real story. Do you know that on December 29th 1890 that members of the US Seventh Calvary ( Over 500 Enlisted Men And Officers Of The US 7th Calvary ) surrounded an encampment of Native American people of the Miniconjou Sioux and the Hunkpapa Sioux and massacred every man, woman and child of the Lakota people. You can see pictures here on this page of the dead Native Americans who were murdered that day. Because that is actually what happened is that those Native American Men, Women, and Children were murdered.

The White Man called it a battle and did you know that the most Medals of Honor ever awarded in a single battle were awarded. If you can believe it there were 20 Medals of Honor awarded for the actions that day by members of the US 7th Calvary. Those 20 medals should be revoked and the names of the men who won them should be removed from the record book. It was the highest number of Medals of Honor ever issued for a single US battle. And it was not a battle it was a massacre.

Its important to keep in mind that the Native Americans had already been disarmed and surrounded by US troops from the 7th Calvary when they suddenly attacked and massacred at Wounded Knee. Why would you award Medals of Honor to men who committed one of the worst crimes in history. They murdered these people. Check out the photos. Watch the videos and then please let us hear from you below in the comment section. Tell us your thoughts.

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Mass grave for the dead Lakota after massacre of Wounded KneeMiniconjou Chief Big Foot lies dead in the snow. He was among the first to die on December 29, 1890Civilian grave diggers bury the Lakota dead in  a mass grave.Ghost Dance ShirtArapaho Ghost DanceAn Army officer looking at the dead
Mass grave for the dead Lakota after massacre of Wounded Knee
Mass grave for the dead Lakota after massacre of Wounded Knee
Miniconjou Chief Big Foot lies dead in the snow. He was among the first to die on December 29, 1890
Miniconjou Chief Big Foot lies dead in the snow. He was among the first to die on December 29, 1890
Civilian grave diggers bury the Lakota dead in  a mass grave.
Civilian grave diggers bury the Lakota dead in a mass grave.
Ghost Dance Shirt
Ghost Dance Shirt
Arapaho Ghost Dance
Arapaho Ghost Dance
An Army officer looking at the dead
An Army officer looking at the dead

American Indian Movement

AIM or American Indian Movement was founded by Dennis Banks, Herb Powless,Clyde Bellecourt, Russell Means, and Eddie Benton Banai. It is a American Indian Activist Organization that fights for the rights of American Natives.

It is most famous for its seizure of the Bureau of Indian Affairs in 1972 and the standoff at Wounded Knee in 1973.

Today AIM continues to fight for the rights of the Native American people all over the United States. AIM does everything it can to fight for the rights of the Native American People.

Ghosts of Wounded Knee

Wovoka - Paiute Holy Man
Wovoka - Paiute Holy Man

The Ghost Dance was invented by a Paiute Holy Man named Wovoka and it scared the hell out of the white authorities at that time. It was in December of 1890 that the white authorities banned the Ghost Dance on Lakota reservations. When the rites of the ghost dance continued the white authorities called in the soldiers and it was this that led to the Massacre at Wounded Knee.

It was at about this same time that Sitting Bull and seven of his followers were killed by whites and American Indian Policemen. Seven of the American Indian Policemen were also killed at this time.

What Happened At Wounded Knee? Why were Medals of Honor awarded for murder. Below is a photo of a US Calvary Officier riding thru the dead Sioux.

Wounded Knee became a catch phrase for all the wrongs inflicted on Native Americans by the descendants of Europeans. In 1973, Indian activist, drawing on the courage of their ancestors, would stage another confrontation there.
Wounded Knee became a catch phrase for all the wrongs inflicted on Native Americans by the descendants of Europeans. In 1973, Indian activist, drawing on the courage of their ancestors, would stage another confrontation there.

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