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Does Bigfoot Or Sasquatch Exist, We Will Try To Answer The Question

Updated on November 18, 2014

Is Big Foot In Photo Below With Me

Is That A Big Foot There In The Photo With Me Circled In Red. I Was Being Interviewed For Newspaper At The Time Photo Was Taken.
Is That A Big Foot There In The Photo With Me Circled In Red. I Was Being Interviewed For Newspaper At The Time Photo Was Taken. | Source

Big Foot In Photo With Me?

Is Big Foot in the photo there to the right with me. Look at the figure circled there in the photo. I've had it looked at and there is something standing there in the back ground of the photo with me. I did not even see it until a friend pointed it out. To say the least I was surprised.

At the time this photo was taken I was being interviewed about my Bigfoot Sighting about where I am standing back on March 22, 2011. I didn't even know for a long time that Big Foot was right there in the photo with me.

I Sighted Golden Valley Bigfoot Again Last Week.

One day last week while up in the Golden Valley area of North Carolina I spotted a very similar Big Foot to the one I saw back in March 2011 climbing up the side of a mountain through trees. The leaves had fallen off the trees and I saw it as clear as day. Folks can say I'm crazy but I know what I saw. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Big Foot is very real and I know that last week I saw it again. And it is a real creature. I saw it Tuesday November 11th at about 3 in the afternoon.

Cherokee Legend Tells Of Hairy Creatures Or Bigfoot Creatures

The Cherokee Indians once lived all over this area of North Carolina and they claim that their people have seen Hairy Creatures or Bigfoot in this area for hundreds of years.

The Cherokee believe that the Bigfoot or Hairy Man has a way of shape shifting or hiding in plain sight. They believe that the Hairy Man can blend in with its surroundings and become invisible. The Cherokee believe that the Bigfoot can make its self invisible and hide right in plain sight. The Cherokee think that Bigfoot can blend its self into the local surroundings and become invisible to everyone.

Prospector Albert Ostman in 1924 claimed that he was captured and taken captive by a group of Bigfoot Creatures in the deep woods of British Colombia. He said the females were over six foot tall and the males were over seven foot tall. He said the creatures caught him watching them one afternoon and they held him and kept him captive for most of the summer of 1924 before they just let him walk away.

Ape Canyon, Washington is famous for the reported story that a group of men were attacked by rock throwing Bigfoot Creatures who also carried sticks as clubs. The men retreated to a cabin and locked themselves in and the creatures attacked the cabin all night throwing rocks and hitting the cabin with sticks they carried.

Ruby Creek British Colombia is famous as the place where Jeannie Chapman and her children said they escaped their home when a 7 1/2 foot tall Bigfoot approached their home snarling at them and throwing rocks at their home. Chapman escaped with her children

Bulldozer Operator Jerry Crew made plaster casts of huge footprints he found near Bluff Creek California. He and other men caught a brief glimpse of a creature and then he took plaster casts of its footprints and took the footprint casts into the newspaper office in Bluff Creek California.

What Is Bigfoot Or Sasquatch? Is It Real Or Imagined?

Bigfoot is described as a large ape like creature that is said to range in size from 6 ft tall up to 9 ft tall. People see Bigfoot all over the United States and Canada. A smaller version of Bigfoot is said to inhabit Florida and Louisiana.

Up in North Carolina in the upper Cleveland County area a Bigfoot that has come to be called Knobby is seen often. It has been reported often by a lot of different people. I don't know if the Bigfoot that I saw up on Golden Valley Church Road is the Bigfoot known as Knobby but I think it may have been. Other people in the same area have reported seeing a Bigfoot in the area for the last fifty years or more.

Knobby Is Alive And Well In The North Carolina Mountains

Bigfoot or Knobby as it has come to be called has been in the news many times over the years mostly in this same area. If your not familiar with this area there is a lot of dense woods and overgrown fields all over this area. There are a lot of places in this area where Bigfoot could easily hide and never be seen.

Bigfoot or Knobby is often seen in the Golden Valley area which is almost all wilderness. There are miles and miles of deep woods where a Bigfoot could live and never be seen.

Knobby has been seen all over the area and Cleveland and Rutherford County Sheriffs Departments have investigated reports of Knobby in the area. At least once or twice a year there are news reports of Knobby ( Big Foot ) in the area. With as many people reporting sightings there has to be something to all the reports.

All of these people are seeing something and its not an imaginary creature. Its something that is very real and its here in the North Carolina woods. What is it and where exactly did it come from. Has it always been here and people are just now catching sight of it and reporting it.

Does Bigfoot Or Sasquatch Exist?

Does Bigfoot Or Sasquatch Exist? Well I Can Tell You That Yes Bigfoot Does Indeed Exist. I Saw It.
Does Bigfoot Or Sasquatch Exist? Well I Can Tell You That Yes Bigfoot Does Indeed Exist. I Saw It. | Source

Does Bigfoot Exist Or Not

People have debated the issue hot and heavy for over a hundred years now. Some people will tell you that with as many people seeing Bigfoot as have claimed to that the Bigfoot or Sasquatch has to be real. You will have other people who will tell you that because no one has ever shot one or found the skeleton of one that Bigfoot does not exist.

I can tell you that I for one have seen a real live living breathing Bigfoot and that they are very real. I looked into its eyes on the Golden Valley Church Road and it was a real creature. Not anything imagined or made up and it was not a man in a suit.

Real Photo Of A Big Foot Trap

Siskiyou National Forest in the southern part of Jackson County Oregon is where possibly the only Big Foot Trap in existence in the world is located. You can see it in the photo above.
Siskiyou National Forest in the southern part of Jackson County Oregon is where possibly the only Big Foot Trap in existence in the world is located. You can see it in the photo above. | Source

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Bigfoot Is A Nocturnal Animal And That Is Part Of The Reason It Is Not Seen

If Bigfoot is nocturnal and able to hide in plain sight then possibly that is the reason it is not seen often. Maybe just maybe that is how it has been able to remain hidden for all these many years.

Dead Deer Vanish Quickly

Recent studies have been done showing that a dead deer left in the Forest vanishes very quickly and if a dead deer can vanish completely from view in a few days then why would it be any different for a dead Bigfoot. In only a few days a dead Bigfoot would decompose to the point where you would have to look hard to see it. In a couple of weeks you wouldn't be able to tell what it was and in a few more weeks I seriously doubt you would even know that something had been laying there dead.

Some Bigfoot researchers theorize that the Bigfoot Creatures bury their dead. And possibly even disguise the burial places of their dead so no one would even be able to tell that anything is buried there.

Knobby Is Alive And Well In North Carolina

On Tuesday March 22 , 2011 I saw a Bigfoot or Sasquatch cross the road on Golden Valley Church Road in North Carolina. It was a real creature and not a man in a costume.
On Tuesday March 22 , 2011 I saw a Bigfoot or Sasquatch cross the road on Golden Valley Church Road in North Carolina. It was a real creature and not a man in a costume. | Source

Knobby Is Alive And Well In North Carolina

On Tuesday March 22 2011 I and a friend were driving on Golden Valley Church Road in North Carolina when we spotted a Bigfoot cross the road in front of us. It moved from down in the field to our right which was lower than the road that we were on. It came up onto the road and crossed the road and went into thick brush at the foot of the mountain there. I followed it into the thick brush and it ran up the mountain at a high rate of speed. At least as fast as a deer or faster. And it was going straight up a mountain that a deer would have had trouble going up. As it went up that mountain that night I could hear it breaking brush and limbs. It was making a lot of noise as it went straight up that mountain in front of me.

The really interesting thing to me is that when the creature crossed the road in front of me it threw one arm up in the air over its head and snarled at me. I saw its male genitalia and its very dirty buttocks as it crossed the road in front of me. I know it was not a man in a suit. No way. No it was a real breathing living creature that crossed the road in front of me. I am 100 percent convinced that it was a real live breathing Big Foot. It was truly one of the most amazing things that ever happened to me in my life.

After I saw what I saw a lot of people believed that it was a man in a suit. Well I'll tell you right up front that I don't believe it was. I believe it was a real living breathing creature and I believe it is still up there somewhere in the Golden Valley area of North Carolina. Anyone else that was not there on that road with me doesn't know what I saw. They didn't see and hear what I saw and heard.

Let me tell you this. When it threw its arm over its head and snarled at me I looked into its eyes. I saw its tongue and yellow teeth. It was not a man in a suit. It was a real creature and it was there on the road with me for just a few seconds but I know for a fact that it was very real. And it was very much a living breathing creature.

Bigfoot's "dirty butt crease" caught on video: Thomas Byers, North Carolina.

Bigfoot Crossed The Road In Front Of Me In North Carolina On March 22 , 2011.

Below is the short video I shot of the Bigfoot crossing the road in front of me on March 22 , 2011. I know the video is short but it was truly the most amazing thing I ever saw in my life. I will never forget the horrible stench that I smelled when the creature crossed the road right in front of me. It is not waving at me as some people have suggested. It threw one hand over its head and growled at me. It was truly the most amazing thing I ever saw in my life. Anyone can believe what they want to but I saw it and I know that it was very much a real creature. I was there on the road with it and I know it was a real creature and not someone in a suit.

The Video I Shot On March 22 , 2011 Of Big Foot Crossing The Road In North Carolina

The Golden Valley Church Road Bigfoot Tape

I shot the above short video on Golden Valley Church Road at about 8 P.M. on March 22, 2011. It was nearing dark when the video was filmed and it is not great quality but it is a real video that shows what I believe is a real Bigfoot crossing the road in front of me. You can see it throw its arm over its head in the video and it snarls. It is not waving at me. I have asked experts on Big Apes and they say that Big Apes often throw one or both arms over their heads if they feel threatened. They do it to try to make themselves appear larger. If you watch and listen to the video you can clearly hear it snarl at me.

I saw it male genitalia as it crossed the road in front of me and it also had dirty butt cheeks. And the smell was one of the worst smells I've ever smelled in my life. I really think it was really upset that I was there on the road with it. If I had walked towards it or yelled I think it would have attacked me and my friend who was there on the road with me.

People can say what ever they want to. I know that the creature I saw on Golden Valley Church Road on the evening of March 22, 2011 was some type of ape like creature and I know it was a real creature. No it could not have been a man in a suit. I looked into its eyes and it was real. I saw its male genitalia and I've never seen a costume like that. When it ran up the mountain in front of me I knew with out a doubt that Bigfoot is a real creature that lives here on planet earth with us. It is very real and I'm sure there are a lot of them. I would love to see it again some day but I hope I have a better camera.

There Is The Creature Crossing The Golden Valley Church Road In Front Of Me.

There is a photo of what crossed the road in front of me on Golden Valley Church Road on March 22 , 2011. At the point in the photo there it is raising its arm over its head. It snarls at me at this point.
There is a photo of what crossed the road in front of me on Golden Valley Church Road on March 22 , 2011. At the point in the photo there it is raising its arm over its head. It snarls at me at this point. | Source

The Most Famous Big Foot Video Ever Shot. This is an enhanced version of the Patterson video tape.

The Patterson Gimlin Film

October 20th 1967 was supposedly when the film seen in the above video was originally filmed. Over the years many people have tried to prove that it is a man in a suit but many experts have said that it is not a man in a suit. In recent years experts that have looked at the video say that it is with out a doubt not a human in a suit. They say that no human would have been able to move in a suit like the creature in the above video did. They said that it is a female creature and clearly not a man in a suit. At the time that this video was shot there was no suit available like this. And many experts say that the way the creature turns and looks back is exactly how a real creature would do.

I've watched this particular video hundreds of times after I saw and filmed the Bigfoot creature on Golden Valley Church Road in 2011 and I think that the Patterson film is a real living Bigfoot. I will never believe anything else. I think that the Patterson tape and my tape are both real and that both creatures filmed all those years apart are real creatures.

Is Big Foot A Real Living Breathing Creature?

Gigantopithecus which was a great ape was once very much a living breathing creature that lived right here in North America. Could a small population of these creatures or even some type of descendents of these creatures have lived into modern times. Are they out there in the woods at the back of your house. Are they possibly watching you when you go outside.

Does a Bigfoot Creature named Knobby live in the mountains of North Carolina. I think it does. No I'm not crazy. I was the man standing there on that chilly March evening in 2011. I saw a living breathing Bigfoot Creature come up out of the field on one side of the road and I watched as it ran across that road. I know it was a real creature. I saw it. It was truly one of the most amazing things I ever saw in my life.

© 2014 Thomas Byers


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