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Acid Reflux And Heartburn Natural Remedies

Updated on April 30, 2012
In this diagram you can see what causes acid reflux and heart burn.
In this diagram you can see what causes acid reflux and heart burn.

Acid Reflux And Heart Burn Natural Remidies

Do you know that using antacids will cause worse acid imbalances in your body. But by using natural remedies you can restore the natural balance in your body that using antacids took away from you. The really good thing is that by using natural remedies you will be able to re-balance your stomach digestive problems.

Below is a list of natural home remedies that you can use to help your acid reflux or heartburn problems and its for sure that these natural home remedies are much better for you than antacids. You won't need to take antacids which are really bad for you because they have side effects and they have aluminum in them which has been proven to cause senility and Alzheimer’s disease. So your much better off going with a natural home remedy for acid reflux disease or heartburn.

Make a tea out of equal parts of anise, lavender, and peppermint. Use as fresh of herbs as you can obtain. You'll need one of those little metal tea balls that you screw apart and add the herbs to. When you get ready to make your tea use distilled water not tap water to make this tea with. There are many impurities in regular tap water. You can add honey to this tea and drink several cups of the tea a day to start to permanently get rid of your acid reflux and heartburn. If you drink four eight ounce glasses of this tea a day you won't have acid reflux or heartburn. It really does work that well. So you can see that there are a lot of 100 percent natural remedies that can work better than regular medicine and with herbal medicines there are no side effects.You want to be sure to use green anise in this recipe.

Peppermint is a powerful herb and it works great to get rid of heart burn or acid reflux. Peppermint is very good for your stomach as it helps with digestion, cramps, and gas. It really is one of the best herbs you can take for stomach problems.

Lavender has enormous healing powers for your body and it is a great aid for your stomach problems. Lavender is one of the herbs that naturally reduces acid in your stomach. As you get older your stomach stops producing or slows down in producing the hydrochloric acid that digests proteins in the human stomach. What you can do is start to eat Papaya on a regular two to three time a week basis and if your stomach problems are being caused because your stomach can no longer digest proteins correctly it should clear up in no time at all.

As you get older you should always include pineapple in your diet as often as possible. Pineapple supports digestion, supports the healing of wounds and reduces inflammation. i bet you would have never thought that pineapple could do all those things. The fresh juice of pineapples contains enzymes which stop acid reflux. Plus there is a lot of research currently being done on pineapple to see if it can be used to fight cancer. If everyone knew how good pineapple is for you there would be pineapple shortages.

Chicory comes from a family of bitter herbs that contains escarole and endive. You can make a tea from chicory root that will cure acid reflux or heart burn. You can even add escarole and endive to your salads and you won't have heart burn or acid reflux problems.

You can use the natural remedies above to keep yourself free from heart burn or acid reflux and if you use a combination of them on a regular basis you will find that you won't have heart burn or acid reflux problems.

Pine Apple is one of the miracle fruits that contains so many wonderful things that can heal you naturally.
Pine Apple is one of the miracle fruits that contains so many wonderful things that can heal you naturally.

More Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux And Heart Burn

In case you don't know using natural remedies is what nature intended. Cinnamon has many natural medicinal uses and its really good for a lot of things besides putting on cinnamon toast. Cinnamon is one of the herbs that has natural antiseptic properties and it has been used down through history for fighting colds, flu, and acne. Cinnamon will settle acidic stomachs or upset stomachs like no other herb. Here's one I bet you never heard of. The next time you have an upset stomach or bad heart burn make yourself a piece of cinnamon raisin toast.

Cinnamon slows and stops bacteria growth and it is great for insulin dependent diabetics to take because it seriously helps to maintain good blood sugars. It seems to balance out your blood sugar and in some cases people who have been taking cinnamon find they need to take a lot less insulin. And for heart burn and acid reflux it works wonders.

Buy grapefruit and grate the skin off onto a plate. Let it dry naturally and then store in a plastic container or in a plastic bag in the freezer. When ever you feel heart burn or acid reflux coming on take a few pieces of the dried grape fruit skin and chew it and swallow. You will find it works much better than most antacids.

Eating romaine lettuce will bring relief if you are suffering from acid reflux or heart burn. If you like you can blend it and keep the pureed romaine lettuce in the freezer in a ice tray. If you feel acid reflux or heart burn coming on take one of the romaine lettuce ice cubes and put it into a glass of water. Let it start to melt and drink the water. You can then reveal the water glass and let the ice cube melt completely. Then drink the water again. This should keep the acid reflux and or heart burn from recurring for a while.

There are of course a lot more natural remedies that can stop acid reflux or heart burn but those above in my opinion are the best. They are some of the same natural remedies that the Chinese and Japanese have been using for thousands of years.

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Thomas Byers has been writing here at Hub Pages for over four years now and he has been an award winning Chef for over thirty years now.
Thomas Byers has been writing here at Hub Pages for over four years now and he has been an award winning Chef for over thirty years now. | Source

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